Continuing Education for Brokers and Salespersons as Required by the State of CT

Continuing Education is due 90 days before license renewal, every two years, in the even years (2022, 2024, 2026, etc) for the State of CT

  Yearly License Expiration CE Due On or By Current CE Cycle
Brokers November 30th 8/31/2024 4/1/2022 – 8/31/2024
Salespersons May 31st 2/28/2026 3/1/2024 – 2/28/26

The 12 hours of CE that is due in 2024 (2/28 Salesperson, 8/31 Brokers) consists of:

  • One MANDATORY course consisting of at least three (3) classroom hours in current real estate and fair housing legislation, licensing laws and regulations. ECAR is offering the “CT Real Estate Agency Law” Course developed by the state Education Committee and approved by DCP to specifically meet this requirement.
  • Plus Nine (9) classroom hours of ELECTIVE real estate courses

Continuing Education Best Practices

As we approach the end of the current CE cycle for Salespersons, many of you are asking what do I need to do now? Do not stress! There is no further action for you to take, but we have some good housekeeping tips for you:

  • Keep a record of your CE Certificates. You can do this by either downloading your CE certificates into a folder on your device or by printing them out and keeping in a physical folder. TIP: When you take your CE classes at ECAR, we keep all of your certificates in your online portal that will always be accessible.

  • DCP offers an OPTIONAL method to upload your CE certificates into your e-license account for your own records. Note: In the case of an audit, DCP will look in your e-license account first, before reaching out to you.

For further information regarding the CE cycle, visit the DCP website. If you still need CE and our Feb schedule doesn’t work for you, take a look at our CE partners hereHave questions? Email Sage Min at [email protected].

The 12 hours of CE that was due in 2022 (3/31 Brokers, 5/31 Salespersons) consisted of:

  • Two MANDATORY three-hour classes:

    • CT Real Estate Law for Brokers and Salespersons, and
    • Understanding and Preventing Racial Bias in Real Estate
  • Plus Six hours of ELECTIVE real estate courses.

Helpful links:

Note: the CT Real Estate Commission sets the policies for the real estate licenses. If you have any questions about these policies, please contact them directly at: 860-713-6100 or visit the Real Estate Education section of their website:

Proof of Completing Your Continuing Education

All license holders must attest to the completion of their required continuing education (CE) as part of the renewal process. Certificates of completion and other related records should be retained by the license holder for at least four (4) years in case of audit by the Department of Consumer Protection (DCP).

DCP does offer an optional method to upload certificates to your elicense account for your own records.

CT Continuing Education Exam in Lieu of Completing CE

In lieu of completing the required continuing education, licensees may opt to pass the 40-question Connecticut CE Examination during the CE cycle.

Contact PSI Examination Services (the testing company) directly: 1-800-733-9267 or go to

NOTE: When calling PSI to schedule, be sure to specify that you want the “40 Question” exam in order to renew your CT license.

NAR Code of Ethics Training Requirement

Existing REALTOR® members must complete ethics training, meeting specific learning objectives and criteria, within three-year cycles. The current cycle is: 1/01/2022 – 12/31/2024

How can you fulfill the requirement?

1.Take the C2EX Certification Course. C2EX satisfies the Code of Ethics requirement. Start your C2EX now: While we highly recommend you get C2EX certified, please be advised that C2EX does NOT qualify as a State of CT Elective CE.

2. Take the course online through NAR, by clicking here. (Course options are at the bottom of the NAR page).

3. Take an Ethics class with a third-party provider, like RECampus, The CE ShopMcKissock, or WebCE. Most 3 hour Code of Ethics classes also qualify as an ELECTIVE for the State of CT continuing education requirements. Be sure the Ethics class description indicates that it fulfills the NAR requirement AND gives 3 hours of CE credit. If you’re not sure, call ECAR at 860-892-2595.

*New Realtors: If you became a Realtor and took the New Member Code of Ethics Training within the current NAR cycle (1/1/22 – 12/31/24), then you do not need to take Ethics until the next NAR three-year cycle.

Learn more about the NAR triennial requirement by clicking here.
Check your status: